Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Starbucks Fast

I am addicted to Starbucks. The worst possible thing I could've done was to accept a job that has an actual Starbucks spot in the building. But I did. I cannot walk by that joker every morning without stopping in. Tall white mocha, no whip. And if my homie is working and the manager isn't present, I usually walk away with a grande white mocha, no whip with an extra espresso shot. Because I am loved. :-P It's bad. And it's an expensive habit, considering I have a espresso/cappuccino/coffee maker at home that can handle my morning caffeine jones. But that isn't good enough for me. I needs my Starbucks. I wonder how much of it is psychological, as I can drive by an Einsteins Bros. shop, or Dunkin' Donuts, or Indigo Coffee and not be compelled to stop. But let it be a Starbucks. Nothing else matters.

So, I am trying to stop. I want to see how long I can go without spending $5 on something I can essentially make at home. I tried to start yesterday. I made it the whole day without going down to the first floor to Starbucks. And trust me, it was a STRUGGLE. But, I did it. Today, I woke UP thinking about Starbucks, and sure enough, there is a tall white mocha sitting on my desk. *smh* Monday will be the true test. Tomorrow doesn't count, as I have to take my little pup to the vet, so I'll get to work late. Let's see how I do. Next after that: Pepsi. (whoo, pray my strength in the Lord now, Pepsi is my vice! of 'em...heh...)


Last night I watched Tuesday's episode of ABC's "Wipeout". I lurves that show and all its ridiculousness. Sometimes I feel a bit of shame for enjoying it so much, but anyone who knows me know that people falling down = win, in my book. Especially when they set themselves up for it. Anyway, the 8:00 episode on Tuesday was GREAT. The commentary was extra snarky, and the contestants were extra foolish. Great joy was brought to my evening, thanks to ABC.


Also watched Tuesday's episode of "Oprah", featuring the young Filipino singer Cherice. I'm such a chump, as I teared up repeatedly. Her story is touching, and there is nothing more heartwarming than seeing a person's dreams come true. She spoke about how one of her lifelong dreams (mind you, she's 16) has been to sing with Celine Dion. So after performing "My Heart Will Go On", Oprah told her that a fan had something to say to her. Turned her around, and Celine was on the screen, via satellite (or Skype, I dunno) from DC. Cherice broke down crying *sniff*. Celine invited her to sing with her at Madison Square Garden next week, and the girl could barely compose herself. Not a dry eye in the house. Darn you, Oprah, for making me feel feelings!!!

I found a clip of her from Oprah...let's see how long it's active on YouTube. (I'd embed it, but it won't let me!!)


Finally...there is a stark difference between "pursuing" a woman and being downright PUSHY. I talked about this in my Xanga, so no need to rehash it here. Men, a healthy level of communitcation and attention toward a love interest is great- we NEED that, but when you take it too far it become obnoxious and even a bit on the stalker-side. Don't ask me how I'm feeling after only having one conversation in three days, when I've never even talked to you face-to-face. I already have a stressful job; I don't need you adding extra pressure in my life. Thanks.


The Black Kat said...

Girl... you are a POSTING FOOL! I can't even keep up! AND... you've got two blogs. My goodness... I slack for one day (or two) and dayum it, I'm behind schedule! Grrrr...

Let's see...
Starbucks is over-rated, to me. Albeit I'm not a coffee drinker at all. But... when I'm in school & need a boost, I'd get a French Vanilla Cappuchino from 7-11. I tried Starbucks one day and threw that Cappuchino straight up in the trash. Wasted $5 on that *ish. Went right to 7-11 and copped my usual for $1.39! Grrr... Never again will I contribute $5 to coffee. So... KUDOS to you on trying to break that expensive azz habit! Add up the amount of money you spend on that morning cup of joe x's 365 & see how much loot you could have saved. I got that from one of my financial growth books. I'll figure out the name in a second.

You already know I heart Wipeout. Loves it!

I watched the girl on Oprah, too. Although... her crying started to get a lil' dramatic for me, towards the end. But... girlfriend has some CHOPS on her. I teared up too, initially.

Stalker-like behavior = ----> NEXT! That is a serious RED FLAG! Especially if you aren't even dating. *blank stare*

Carla said...

I know girl, I've become compulsive with it. Fortunately, I'm too busy today to write a blog, so I'm trying to keep up on my comments.

You and I will never see eye-to-eye on Starbucks. lol. Be glad that you haven't fallen victim to the curse of Starbucks.

lol, I guess the girl got to me, I'm a big mush.

Ummmmm...CLEARLY. Fortunately I haven't heard from him. Thank God he can take a hint.

LaLa said...

Carla I LOVE Wipeout!! That show is hilarious. I can't believe I missed it last night. I hope I can catch it online.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Carla said...

@ lala ~ I love that, that is my nickname. Anyway, I hope you caught the season finale last night. The show just makes me so happy. I'm so glad it was renewed for another season! lol