Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's Almost been a MONTH?!?

Wow, I have fallen off of the blogging tip, big time. My life is crazy right now. Not in a bad way, yet crazy enough to neglect my beloved blogspot. Good news is, I am closing on my townhouse this Friday and I move on Saturday. I've been packing, packing, packing. Trying to get everything switched over (I'm on hold with Brighthouse now...they seem to think it wise to schedule my cable appointment at the same time I'll be moving. Um, no.)

With all that's going on, I've had a difficult time getting into the Christmas spirit. I bought a couple of gifts, but nothing extravagant. I get on a plane to Cleveland on Christmas morning, and will then travel to Pittsburgh, DC, Richmond and Virginia Beach. In the course of four days. This is how I roll. I just hate I won't have much time to get settled in my new digs. I wanted to get started on some painting, but I guess that will have to wait until the new year.

I'll try to do better about updating. I'm sure my life as a new homeowner will be much more interesting. Let's hope.

1 comment:

The Black Kat said...

Welcome back! Congrats on the home thing. I should be next! =o) Not going to the details thing, though.

I read your "other" one this a.m. Hopefully it's not what you think.

Hope all is well...