I'm chipping away at my new CD's, one at a time. Ever since I hit "play" on my iPod and heard Mary Mary's latest, I've had a hard time pressing "stop". Seriously, their latest album is one of the most innovative and unique "GOSPEL" CDs I have ever heard. Many folks I know that prefer traditional Christian music don't particularly care for this CD, claiming that it sounds too secular. Perhaps, but that's why I like it. I've grown tired of the traditional stuff and while it's not all bad, I prefer to throw something different in the mix.
First came Marvin Winans Jr's CD, which I reviewed a few weeks back. Next, I heard Deitrick Haddon's latest, "Revealed" (I enjoyed it, but haven't reviewed it yet). Then came Mary Mary. Just to show I'm not closed off to other music, I've also purchased John Legend and Wayne Brady (yes, THAT Wayne Brady), but haven't taken a good listen yet.
Mary Mary's "The Sound" begins with an eloquent spoken word by Deborah Joy Winans. The cd jumps immediately into the title track, which sounds like it was recorded for a 1960's surfer movie. Seriously. The musical style is uniquely different, but not in a negative way. It just makes you want to do the Mashed Potato or the Twist. But Mary-squared is singing about "the sound of victory/the sound of no defeat/the sound of holdin' on/the sound of stayin' strong". It definitely pulls you in by the end.
The CD has a whole radio station vibe, utilizing intros to the next song with (what sounds like) radio station call letters. Cool effect.
"Get Up" is the lead single from the album. It's what Steve Harvey has dubbed "the club song". I definitely understand why. Although Erica and Tina are encouraging you to get off your butts and do something, they also make you want to get off your butts and DANCE!
"Superfriend" has elicted the most talk from people I know and have heard the CD. Featuring rapper David Banner laying out a verse about how he isn't perfect, but God has had his back, the song sounds straight off of the airwaves. Personally, I like it. It bumps. lol. And Banner's verse is honest, which I appreciate.
"God In Me" is my current ringtone. Kierra "KiKi" Sheard lays out some guest vocals on this track, a song that talks about how people often look at you trying to figure out how/why you got it goin' on..."But what they can't see/Is you on your knees/So they next time you get a chance tell 'em/It's the God in Me". That song is hot!! (I heard Michael Baisden play it on his show earlier this week, btw).
The next track, "Boom", is cute to me. It deals with sharing things with others that might be difficult, i.e. "you're jealous, you're selfish, you have a bad attitude". The premise is, you're better off getting it off of your chest than letting it built...eventually, it'll be like "boom!"...and explosion of things you never meant to say in the first place. lol. We've all been there, dude.
"I'm Running" reminds me of 1950's Motown, and I love it. This one is simple, it's about getting closer to God. "So I'm running/if I can't walk then I'll crawl/And I can't help if I fall/Tryin' to get to where You are". It's about the perserverence in getting there. Gotta love that!
"Forgiven Me" is funny, in that it also has old school feel: Its opening actually reminds me of the Jackson 5 song, "Maybe Tomorrow". This is the first slower song on the CD, which deals with remembering where we came from, but never returning there. It thanks God for forgiveness!
The next song, "Dirt", is the closest to classic Mary Mary. It compares life to a garden, that in order to grow, we all "need a little bit of dirt" in our lives. I think it's a great way to acknowledge that..again...none of us are perfect.
Alright, I love love love the next song, "Seattle". The metaphor is great: "Holy Spirit rain like Seattle/Overtake my life like a flood/Like California shake what's not like you/I just want a heart like yours". It's a great mid-tempo song...
It leads right into "I Worship You". The song is powerful in its simplicity. The last few minutes of the song is a modulating repitition of the chorus: "you took everything I was/made me what I am/ and with all I am/I worship you", with an eventual repetition of simply "I Worship You". Although contemporary, I could see this song being sung during praise and worship in pulpits across the country. It's beautiful.
Finally, (if you buy the store CD), is "It Will All Be Worth It", a slow song that lets us know that our stress in life on earth will all be, well, worth it in the end. The closing features a myriad of guest artists, but since I got my cd from iTunes, the only voices I can distinctively make out are Karen Clark Sheard and Rance Allen. I can't tell who those other folks are, but they are numerous. :)
If you purchase the iTunes version (which I HIGHLY recommend), you'll be blessed with "I Trust You", which is my FAVORITE song on the CD. Very real and practical, the lyrics are focused around a failed marriage, and the trust that must remain in God in spite of the circumstances surrounding you. The chorus features Marvin L. Winans singing "I don't know what to do/But what I do know/Is I trust you". The vamp is my favorite part, however: "I trust you and I/I love you cuz you've/Proven yourself over and over again/Don't know just how many times/I needed a friend/You were standing right there in line". Once you hear it, you'll know why. That is repeated and modulated as it builds. Just gives me goosebumps!!
So, that's my review. Mary Mary's "The Sound"? TOTAL WIN.
Hey Carla! I'm back and over the drama of last week. Your music reviews are so good. I love Mary Mary!
By the way, I tagged you! Come by my blogspot for the rules to participate!
Oh and let me know how that Wayne Brady is. I can't front, I saw him on Tyra. He was talking about his album, then he performed. I was curious from there.
I was googling for Mary Mary reviews and found this. Good stuff. Thanks!
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