Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"NOBODY makes me bleed my own blood!"

Genius. Last night I went to take a bite of my sandwich and my lip split. I don't quite understand how this happened, considering I keep Chapstick with me at all times. And I mean, it was bleeding. *wtf* I am probably compounding the problem by putting on more Chapstick, but how else do I stop the ouchy?


One of the vendors stopped by and blessed me with a $5 Starbucks giftcard. Mind you, I haven't had a white mocha in about three weeks now. I was feenin' for some Starbucks this morning too, so I went around 11:00. The barista asked me where I had been, because - yes - I was in that joint every morning at one point. I told her that "my economy has been in a recession". She drew up my regular, made it a grande instead of a tall, and threw in an extra espresso shot for kicks and giggles. I am so hyper right now I don't know what to do with myself. Caffeine is no JOKE!


I've finally downloaded my application to register for my social work license in Florida. I was pissed when I moved here, because my Ohio license didn't transfer and I had to do the process all over again. And it's all about $$$$, which I find ironic considering social workers don't get paid that much to begin with. At least I downloaded the application. Step one: completed.


It's so hard to stay focused when you're going on vacation the next day. This entire day has pretty much been a loss. I'd much rather blog, read blogs, and refresh Facebook constantly than do actual work.


Marvin Jr aka Coconut had his CD release party at Perfecting Church last night (Detroit). Sadly, I couldn't attend due to tomorrow's travels. They aren't that lenient with the days off, and as I said before, my economy is in a recession. I heard the party was REALLY nice. He premiered the music video that I gave blood, sweat and tears to help get shot here in Tampa, and he sang a duet with his father, Pastor Winans. I would've LOVED to see that. Fortunately, my girl videotaped it. ***waiting patiently for the upload*** I'll link to it when it's up.


My girl is starting a book club here in Tampa. I think it's a great idea. A book club is something I've always wanted to be a part of, but never had the initiative to start one or find a good one. I'm looking forward to participating. There is always a wrinkle though. This is my friend from church, my park pal. She and I can you say.. more "liberal" Christians. Meaning, we recognize our imperfections, love the Lord with all of our hearts, minds and souls, but don't live life closed up in the "Christian" box. Trust, I used to be that girl. I'm still pretty conservative, but I'll see an R rated movie, or sip a martini, or...well, let's just say I've relaxed. My girl will drop a four letter word at the drop of a hat, especially if she's pissed. At any rate, some of the people invited to the book club are still "in the box". She sent out a text asking if anyone would be offended if she chose a book using profanity or sexuality. I wrote back and said "girl I am not trying to read TD Jakes books and Christian fiction! There are far too many good books out there!! Just TELL them that the books are not by Christian authors and let them decide whether or not they want to participate, before this turns into Monday night bible study!!". (lol) So she wrote back and INFORMED us that some of the books might offend a few participants. Religious folk are a trip, you can't leave certain things up to discussion!


Ok why did I totally forget to eat lunch today? LMBO!!!!

My mind is racing, but I think I just hit a mental brick wall. I guess I'll go write some assessments.


WiZ said...

this was a great read. interesting life you have. and tell your friend all the best with her book club.

Jackie's eyes said...

Eeek, whats really good Ashy Larry? lmao jk...TTYL

I thought you gave up the caffeine woman???

LaLa said...

Hmm, it seems like that caffeine just got you typing huh?

I like the "LMBO" cuz I don't curse either. LOL.

Jackie's eyes said...

Oh gosh you guys have me feeling bad about my lmao vs lmbo... ={ I'm a sailor some days.

Carla said...

@ wiz: thanks so much for stopping by. I haven't talked to my girl about the first book club meeting; I'm curious to see how it went!

@ jackierodri: Seriously though! That split lip was nothing cute. I am only using caffeine in dire circumstances, like today: one-day post vacation, back to work. It's evil.

@ lala (& jackierodri): Yeah the caffeine had me going. Jackie don't feel bad about the make up all sorts of words just to prevent myself from cursing. But to each their own!