Monday, August 25, 2008

Must I title all of these posts? Monday Night.

Mondays tend to suck a whole lot. Sleep never comes easy, making the 5:00am alarm sound as pleasant as a curse word in church. Starbucks is always in order on Mondays.

I was reading my old blog from '03-04 ( the grad school years) during another ultra-productive day on the job. LOL. I was amazed at how active I was during the period of my life. Flag football, choir, salsa, softball, random social gatherings, not to mention school. What happened to me?? When did I become a slug? I'm motivated to get my life together and pick up some extra-curricular activities. :) There is always salsa, but what else? Maybe I'll organize a team for flag?

Is it a "Florida Thing" to put inappropriate passengers in the open bed of a pick-up? And then get on the interstate? Driving home I saw two grown-a-- men riding in a pick-up. I said, "that can't be legal" and started hoping to see a cop. Why such joy over watching wrongdoers get caught? Dunno. But it would've made my day. Even worse, getting off of the interstate I saw a black lab in the bed of a pick-up. What?? That poor dog. And the cab of the truck was a four-seater. Should've called the ASPCA on that. The dog had no cover and was baking in that 95 degree sun. *smh*

Why do people move to Florida and complain about heat? Did you not know that it's hot here? Really?

Cha Cha goes to puppy day care tomorrow. I'm excited for her to have fun for once while I'm at work. Had to take her to the vet today for a kennel cough vaccine. She likes the vet. She is soooo odd.

I don't know if you caught the closing ceremony for the Olympics. Them folk sure can party! They were strugglin with their rhythm skills during the final few songs, but the intent was there. Call me a sap, but I loved seeing the athletes from all the different countries interacting and taking pics. It actually gives a person hope for peace. Then reality bites.

My thumbs hurt. Later.


The Black Kat said...

Yes... I couldn't sleep last night, so I, too, watched the closing ceremonies. I was hoping to catch a glance of Mr. Beautiful. Tee hee hee... But all I can say is... the Chinese sure do know how to put on a show. Them jokers love to fly!

I have never understood the facination w/ Starbucks. I tried that joker ONCE! Got a french vanilla cappuchino... and took two sips and threw that overpriced joint in the trash. No thanks!

If throwing dogs in the bed of a truck is illegal... Colorado is a haven for that *ish. And you KNOW these folks out here LOVE thier pets something serious. I thought it was legal to ride in the back of a truck as long as you were sitting down? No?

Carla said...

They sure do, don't they? I'm not one to fly in the air from a string..but then again, I HAVE gone zip-lining. Anyway, all that flippin' and flying was great fun to watch!

For Starbucks I live and for Starbucks I die. You just need to try a different drink!

I can't imagine that placing an unrestrained human in the bed of a truck being legal. If Click It or Ticket is such a big deal, how would that even make sense? One large bump and you are roadkill!