I'm in Cleveland, getting geared up to move to the next destination: Detroit. I had an amazingly fun time in my hometown yesterday. From seeing my former co-workers (there's a story there for Xanga), to going on a dinner cruise to capping off the night at salsa. I danced the night away, climbing back into my car with a nice cramp in my right thigh. Got to do those dances you never see in Florida: the Cleveland Shuffle, JB's Monorail and if course I got my Cupid Shuffle on. Then ran over to salsa where I was spun, dipped, and turned until my legs gave out. It really reminded me of how much I enjoy dancing. Debbie Allen I am not, but the pure joy I get from moving to music is something hard to replicate. I fell off from my salsa classes once I got my puppy, and there are no clubs in Tampa that offer the space, crowd, music and smokefree amosphere of The View. It made this entire Cleveland stop completely worth it.
And I have the blisters to prove it.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Live from DMV
I'm currently in the DC area, chillaxin' with my mother before heading to Rockville, MD for dinner. There, my dad will swoop me up and we'll be off to Cleveland. I wish I was staying in more than one day in each city, but the agenda is tight so I must keep it movin'. I'm going to miss Obama's acceptance speech tonight due to being on the interstate, so my hope is that we will be able to find it on the radio. I'd hate to have to catch history on YouTube.
Watching Disney's "Hercules". Never really noticed how similar the lead characters tend to be. Singing voice, speaking voice, even their looks. I'll be curious how this upcoming Black princess will sound and look.
The TSA folk at Tampa International were extra crotchety last night. I don't know who or what got into their knickers, but they extra pushy. They even gave an old guy in a wheelchair a hard time. And you know you can't say anything without putting yourself at risk for a nice strip search.
I am going to have sooooo much to say in my Xanga. Hopefully I'll time to post during this trip.
I sorely miss my puppy Cha Cha. I needed a break from her, but can't seem to stop talking about her! We went over my mom's friend's place today and he has a poodle. I got to play with him for awhile and it got me thinking about her. Not to mention I woke up this morning looking for her. Pitiful, I know!
Watching Disney's "Hercules". Never really noticed how similar the lead characters tend to be. Singing voice, speaking voice, even their looks. I'll be curious how this upcoming Black princess will sound and look.
The TSA folk at Tampa International were extra crotchety last night. I don't know who or what got into their knickers, but they extra pushy. They even gave an old guy in a wheelchair a hard time. And you know you can't say anything without putting yourself at risk for a nice strip search.
I am going to have sooooo much to say in my Xanga. Hopefully I'll time to post during this trip.
I sorely miss my puppy Cha Cha. I needed a break from her, but can't seem to stop talking about her! We went over my mom's friend's place today and he has a poodle. I got to play with him for awhile and it got me thinking about her. Not to mention I woke up this morning looking for her. Pitiful, I know!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dueling Banjos
Blogging now, since I'll be traveling most of the evening and may not get an opportunity later. If so, I'll update this blog as I see fit. You see that I never got back here last night. Ah well.
One of the worst things about working in a hospital is hearing sounds and discussing things that are normally not very socially acceptable. The lady across the hall is hockin' up a loogie, sounds like. It's disgusting. Yet this is the soundtrack to my day. Pandora.com can't even drown out this foolishness.
I'm not trying to be rude, but yesterday I met a family straight out of the movie "Deliverance". If you haven't seen it, please do. You won't be right afterwards. And will probably never go camping with your friends either. All I can hear are the dueling banjos...*dododo do do do do do doooooo*. That, and the phlegm lady across the hall.
Why are certain words so nasty looking? I thought that as I typed "phlegm". It just makes you retch a little. "Pus" is another one. Ugh. Tell me you didn't react when you read it, prove my point.
I already blogged about Hillary's speech last night, and Sista Sew-In who just pooped in everyone's punch bowl on CNN immediately thereafter. Her speech was awesome. Hopefully Sis. Sew-In doesn't reflect the feelings of other Hillary supporters. (Please Lord)
Oh, for those who might be curious, that lady cut a nice chunk out of my toe. I have a french pedicure and big black dot on the tip of my toe where the blood coagulated. You should've seen the look on her face when we finished. She looked like a puppy who just pooped in my favorite shoes. I got the french for free due to the fact that I left with an open wound, but her tip was shorted. A ruder person wouldn't have tipped at all, but that's just not in me. The rest of the pedicure is beautiful. I just feel pain in my toe. I should've taken a picture to post here. If I wasn't at work and didn't have manners, I'd do just that.
I'm sure I'll be back. It's far too early to not have other random thoughts to share.
One of the worst things about working in a hospital is hearing sounds and discussing things that are normally not very socially acceptable. The lady across the hall is hockin' up a loogie, sounds like. It's disgusting. Yet this is the soundtrack to my day. Pandora.com can't even drown out this foolishness.
I'm not trying to be rude, but yesterday I met a family straight out of the movie "Deliverance". If you haven't seen it, please do. You won't be right afterwards. And will probably never go camping with your friends either. All I can hear are the dueling banjos...*dododo do do do do do doooooo*. That, and the phlegm lady across the hall.
Why are certain words so nasty looking? I thought that as I typed "phlegm". It just makes you retch a little. "Pus" is another one. Ugh. Tell me you didn't react when you read it, prove my point.
I already blogged about Hillary's speech last night, and Sista Sew-In who just pooped in everyone's punch bowl on CNN immediately thereafter. Her speech was awesome. Hopefully Sis. Sew-In doesn't reflect the feelings of other Hillary supporters. (Please Lord)
Oh, for those who might be curious, that lady cut a nice chunk out of my toe. I have a french pedicure and big black dot on the tip of my toe where the blood coagulated. You should've seen the look on her face when we finished. She looked like a puppy who just pooped in my favorite shoes. I got the french for free due to the fact that I left with an open wound, but her tip was shorted. A ruder person wouldn't have tipped at all, but that's just not in me. The rest of the pedicure is beautiful. I just feel pain in my toe. I should've taken a picture to post here. If I wasn't at work and didn't have manners, I'd do just that.
I'm sure I'll be back. It's far too early to not have other random thoughts to share.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Getting My Toes Did
I'm at the nail salon getting my pre-trip pedicure. Although I just had my last one less than two weeks ago, my toes were in a state of shock and awe. I couldn't go out like that before landing in DC! Who knows what tomorrow night holds? So I'm in this massaging chair..that has stopped massaging...getting the most thorough pedicure ever. I dunno what she's doing to my toe skin, but it better look great because my puppy is 2 miles away at daycare waiting for me to pick her up.
Sometimes I have to sit back and thank the Lord that He blessed me and my family with our right minds. Sure we're imperfect, but considering that one of my patients cut off his right hand with a table saw because "the voices" told him to, and another's cousin beat him silly with a lead pipe, I can consider myself blessed.
Why is my toe bleeding? I knew she was doing something crazy to my toe. This is what happens when I don't stick with what I'm familiar with! This junk hurts too. I expect a discount...or a free pedi!!!!!
I plan to catch Hillary's speech at the DNC tonight. Should be interesting. I think Michelle Obama did a great job showing America who she is as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and American. Adding the kids was a nice touch. :)
Yeah I'll be back. I'm mad about my bloody toe.
Sometimes I have to sit back and thank the Lord that He blessed me and my family with our right minds. Sure we're imperfect, but considering that one of my patients cut off his right hand with a table saw because "the voices" told him to, and another's cousin beat him silly with a lead pipe, I can consider myself blessed.
Why is my toe bleeding? I knew she was doing something crazy to my toe. This is what happens when I don't stick with what I'm familiar with! This junk hurts too. I expect a discount...or a free pedi!!!!!
I plan to catch Hillary's speech at the DNC tonight. Should be interesting. I think Michelle Obama did a great job showing America who she is as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and American. Adding the kids was a nice touch. :)
Yeah I'll be back. I'm mad about my bloody toe.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Must I title all of these posts? Monday Night.
Mondays tend to suck a whole lot. Sleep never comes easy, making the 5:00am alarm sound as pleasant as a curse word in church. Starbucks is always in order on Mondays.
I was reading my old blog from '03-04 ( the grad school years) during another ultra-productive day on the job. LOL. I was amazed at how active I was during the period of my life. Flag football, choir, salsa, softball, random social gatherings, not to mention school. What happened to me?? When did I become a slug? I'm motivated to get my life together and pick up some extra-curricular activities. :) There is always salsa, but what else? Maybe I'll organize a team for flag?
Is it a "Florida Thing" to put inappropriate passengers in the open bed of a pick-up? And then get on the interstate? Driving home I saw two grown-a-- men riding in a pick-up. I said, "that can't be legal" and started hoping to see a cop. Why such joy over watching wrongdoers get caught? Dunno. But it would've made my day. Even worse, getting off of the interstate I saw a black lab in the bed of a pick-up. What?? That poor dog. And the cab of the truck was a four-seater. Should've called the ASPCA on that. The dog had no cover and was baking in that 95 degree sun. *smh*
Why do people move to Florida and complain about heat? Did you not know that it's hot here? Really?
Cha Cha goes to puppy day care tomorrow. I'm excited for her to have fun for once while I'm at work. Had to take her to the vet today for a kennel cough vaccine. She likes the vet. She is soooo odd.
I don't know if you caught the closing ceremony for the Olympics. Them folk sure can party! They were strugglin with their rhythm skills during the final few songs, but the intent was there. Call me a sap, but I loved seeing the athletes from all the different countries interacting and taking pics. It actually gives a person hope for peace. Then reality bites.
My thumbs hurt. Later.
I was reading my old blog from '03-04 ( the grad school years) during another ultra-productive day on the job. LOL. I was amazed at how active I was during the period of my life. Flag football, choir, salsa, softball, random social gatherings, not to mention school. What happened to me?? When did I become a slug? I'm motivated to get my life together and pick up some extra-curricular activities. :) There is always salsa, but what else? Maybe I'll organize a team for flag?
Is it a "Florida Thing" to put inappropriate passengers in the open bed of a pick-up? And then get on the interstate? Driving home I saw two grown-a-- men riding in a pick-up. I said, "that can't be legal" and started hoping to see a cop. Why such joy over watching wrongdoers get caught? Dunno. But it would've made my day. Even worse, getting off of the interstate I saw a black lab in the bed of a pick-up. What?? That poor dog. And the cab of the truck was a four-seater. Should've called the ASPCA on that. The dog had no cover and was baking in that 95 degree sun. *smh*
Why do people move to Florida and complain about heat? Did you not know that it's hot here? Really?
Cha Cha goes to puppy day care tomorrow. I'm excited for her to have fun for once while I'm at work. Had to take her to the vet today for a kennel cough vaccine. She likes the vet. She is soooo odd.
I don't know if you caught the closing ceremony for the Olympics. Them folk sure can party! They were strugglin with their rhythm skills during the final few songs, but the intent was there. Call me a sap, but I loved seeing the athletes from all the different countries interacting and taking pics. It actually gives a person hope for peace. Then reality bites.
My thumbs hurt. Later.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sunday Night Drain
I can't believe the weekend is over. Far too fast, far too unproductive. I partially blame Cha Cha and her Hershey squirts.
I just finished watching the American men's volleyball team collect their gold medals. Nevermind that I teared up every time an American won gold...or anyone for that matter...but this one was particularly tear-jerking because the coach's father-in-law was murdered in Beijing two weeks ago. Gah. After all he went through, he deseved a medal. Now I'm about to watch the closing ceremony.
Went to church this morning, but that little light of mine was NOT shining. Puppy got me up waaaaaay too early and I skipped breakfast, so I was hungry and sleepy. Not a good combo. Went to Waffle House after service. There my joy was restored.
The Chinese sho' do know how to put on a fireworks show.
Missed the bball game last night, obviously. It's ok. They won. I just want to see if Lebron cried like he said he would. I had an interesting convo with my friend though, regarding whether the players would rather have an NBA championship or a gold medal?
I'm gonna miss the Olympics. Sniff.
The national anthem for Great Britian is the same tune as "My Country Tis of Thee"? Who knew.
I just finished watching the American men's volleyball team collect their gold medals. Nevermind that I teared up every time an American won gold...or anyone for that matter...but this one was particularly tear-jerking because the coach's father-in-law was murdered in Beijing two weeks ago. Gah. After all he went through, he deseved a medal. Now I'm about to watch the closing ceremony.
Went to church this morning, but that little light of mine was NOT shining. Puppy got me up waaaaaay too early and I skipped breakfast, so I was hungry and sleepy. Not a good combo. Went to Waffle House after service. There my joy was restored.
The Chinese sho' do know how to put on a fireworks show.
Missed the bball game last night, obviously. It's ok. They won. I just want to see if Lebron cried like he said he would. I had an interesting convo with my friend though, regarding whether the players would rather have an NBA championship or a gold medal?
I'm gonna miss the Olympics. Sniff.
The national anthem for Great Britian is the same tune as "My Country Tis of Thee"? Who knew.
My first brain drain
Ok Kat, you happy? I've decided to start a fresh blog over here, although I'm still blogging regularly on Xanga. That blog tends to be on the extremely personal side, so expect nothing but randomness here. No relationship updates, etc. And brief entries..right now I'm blogging from my iPhone and have little patience for my subpar typing skills. So until I get better at this: few words. I'll just be sharing random things on a regular basis since I rarely talk on the phone, leaving my brain ready to explode with randomness. So here's a taste before I hit the hay.
Since I have been NBC's b$&@h ever since track&field started, this will be Olympics-centered.
1. Some of Bob Newmeyer's post-race interviews have been painfully uncomfortable to watch. He sticks that mic in the runners' faces and is all, "so, we all witnessed your Olympic dream completely shatter. Tell me what happened and how you feel about it. Do you even deserve to be here?". Terrible. Bob, I'mma need you to let me catch my breath and finish crying before I talk to your tail.
2. The 12 hour time difference sucks. The USA bball team plays for gold at 2:30am. Am I gonna stay up for that? Jesus says no.
3. It's funny how every event I watch makes me reconsider my life choices. For example, watching the sprinters makes me wish I hadn't abandoned track after two weeks due to shin splints. ((I opted for drama club. Less risk for injury). Watching diving makes me wish I hadn't been afraid of the water. Watching water polo makes me think..nothing.
4. My puppy snores. I think it's funny since it's occasional. She had the runs today due to eating her friend Ronnie's dog food like a POW just released from captivity. (we went to
visit Friday night). Doggie diarrhea is nasty and can really ruin a Saturday.
5. I wish there was an Olympic event for me. I'm almost 30, too old to seriously take up a new sport. So there should be an event that I'm already good at, i.e. Olympic salsa dancing.
6. I'm seriously thinking about traveling to London for the '12 games, depending on where I am in life. God willing I'll be married and have a kid, if not...I'm soooo in London.
Since I have been NBC's b$&@h ever since track&field started, this will be Olympics-centered.
1. Some of Bob Newmeyer's post-race interviews have been painfully uncomfortable to watch. He sticks that mic in the runners' faces and is all, "so, we all witnessed your Olympic dream completely shatter. Tell me what happened and how you feel about it. Do you even deserve to be here?". Terrible. Bob, I'mma need you to let me catch my breath and finish crying before I talk to your tail.
2. The 12 hour time difference sucks. The USA bball team plays for gold at 2:30am. Am I gonna stay up for that? Jesus says no.
3. It's funny how every event I watch makes me reconsider my life choices. For example, watching the sprinters makes me wish I hadn't abandoned track after two weeks due to shin splints. ((I opted for drama club. Less risk for injury). Watching diving makes me wish I hadn't been afraid of the water. Watching water polo makes me think..nothing.
4. My puppy snores. I think it's funny since it's occasional. She had the runs today due to eating her friend Ronnie's dog food like a POW just released from captivity. (we went to
visit Friday night). Doggie diarrhea is nasty and can really ruin a Saturday.
5. I wish there was an Olympic event for me. I'm almost 30, too old to seriously take up a new sport. So there should be an event that I'm already good at, i.e. Olympic salsa dancing.
6. I'm seriously thinking about traveling to London for the '12 games, depending on where I am in life. God willing I'll be married and have a kid, if not...I'm soooo in London.
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